Guava – A superfruit story

Guava - A superfruit story

          Guava, little known super fruit, let’s face it you don’t hear people talk much about it . So, what’s the big deal then, and what is a super fruit anyways?           So let’s start with defining a super

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Meditation 101

Meditation 101      ***Before answering I would like to say that Meditation is a personal practice and as such it can follow some of the same principals that are present in a Yoga practice. Personal practice at all times means that although the instructor/teacher serves as

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10 Lessons Yoga Can Teach You

10 Lessons Yoga Can Teach You

Yoga can offer countless physical benefits but people often wonder how “stretching your muscles” can benefit your every day life mentally. “How can exercising bring me a better peace of mind?”, they say.. Here are just a few lessons your practice can teach you: 1.) Yoga teaches

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10 Tips for Yourself

10 Tips for Yourself

How are you—really? If you ask everyone but yourself, it’s a good place to start. Then try these 10 simple tips. | (407) 203-6866 1. Set the tone for your day Wind chime phone alarm sounds. Snooze. 2. Take five minutes in the morning for meditation.

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