August 2024

Reiki 1 with Oh

Saturday August 3  | 1 PM – 5 PM

Cost: $222

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing with our Reiki Level I class. In this comprehensive course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Reiki, a powerful Japanese energy healing technique that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Throughout the class, you’ll be guided by experienced Reiki masters who will impart ancient wisdom and practical techniques to help you harness the universal life force energy for healing purposes. Here’s what you can expect:

1. **Introduction to Reiki**: Dive into the history and principles of Reiki, understanding its origins, philosophy, and how it works to restore balance and harmony within the body.

2. **Energetic Anatomy**: Explore the concept of energy anatomy, including chakras, meridians, and the aura, and learn how imbalances in these energy centers can manifest as physical or emotional ailments.

3. **Attunement**: Experience a powerful attunement ceremony that opens your energy channels and connects you to the Reiki energy, allowing you to channel healing energy for yourself and others.

4. **Hand Positions and Techniques**: Learn hand positions for self-healing and treating others, as well as various Reiki techniques such as scanning, beaming, and grounding to enhance your practice.

5. **Ethics and Practice**: Gain insight into the ethical considerations of practicing Reiki, including client boundaries, consent, and self-care practices to maintain your own energetic balance.

6. **Practical Experience**: Engage in hands-on practice sessions to deepen your understanding of Reiki principles and develop confidence in your ability to channel healing energy effectively.

By the end of the class, you’ll emerge with a solid foundation in Reiki practice, equipped with the skills and knowledge to begin your journey as a Reiki practitioner. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, healing for yourself and others, or simply a deeper connection to the universal life force energy, our Reiki Level I class offers a profound and empowering experience. Join us and unlock the healing power within

Click HERE to register

Reiki II with Oh

Saturday August 10  | 1 PM – 5 PM

Cost: $222

Welcome to the next step in your Reiki journey with our Reiki Level II class. Building upon the foundation laid in Level I, this class delves deeper into the art and practice of Reiki, empowering you with advanced techniques and knowledge to expand your healing abilities.

Here’s what you can anticipate in our Reiki Level II class:

1. **Symbols and Mantras**: Explore the sacred symbols and mantras of Reiki, including their meanings, functions, and how to use them to amplify the flow of healing energy. You’ll learn how to draw, activate, and utilize these symbols effectively in your Reiki practice.

2. **Distance Healing**: Discover the powerful technique of distance healing, enabling you to send healing energy across time and space to anyone, anywhere in the world. Learn the methods and protocols for conducting distance healing sessions with confidence and efficacy.

3. **Mental and Emotional Healing**: Deepen your understanding of how Reiki can address mental and emotional imbalances, including stress, anxiety, trauma, and more. Explore specialized techniques for working with the mind and emotions to facilitate healing and transformation.

4. **Reiki Ethics and Professionalism**: Delve into the ethical considerations and responsibilities of practicing Reiki professionally, including client confidentiality, boundaries, consent, and maintaining a professional healing environment.

5. **Advanced Healing Techniques**: Expand your repertoire of healing techniques with advanced Reiki methods, such as psychic surgery, cord cutting, past life healing, and soul retrieval. Explore how these techniques can enhance your ability to address complex issues and facilitate profound healing.

6. **Practical Application and Integration**: Engage in hands-on practice sessions to integrate the new skills and techniques learned in class. Receive personalized guidance and feedback from experienced Reiki masters to deepen your proficiency and confidence as a practitioner.

By the end of the class, you’ll emerge with a deeper understanding of Reiki’s potential for healing and transformation, as well as the skills and confidence to apply advanced techniques in your practice. Whether you aspire to become a professional Reiki practitioner or simply deepen your personal healing journey, our Reiki Level II class offers an enriching and empowering experience. Join us as you continue to unlock the limitless potential of Reiki healing.

Click HERE to register

Sound Bath with Oh

Saturday August 10  | 7 PM – 8 PM

Cost: $33.33

Picture yourself lying comfortably, surrounded by a symphony of harmonious tones and vibrations. In this hour-long session, you’ll be guided into a state of deep relaxation as skilled practitioners use a variety of instruments such as crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, chimes, gongs, and more to create a soundscape that resonates through your entire being.  As the soothing sounds wash over you, let go of stress and tension, allowing your mind to wander freely and your body to unwind. Whether you seek inner peace, mental clarity, or simply a moment of tranquility, our sound bath offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with yourself and find balance amidst the chaos of daily life. Let the waves of sound carry you to a state of blissful serenity

Click HERE to register

Reiki III with Oh

Saturday August 17  | 1 PM – 5 PM

Cost: $244

This class is designed for those who are ready to fully embody the essence of Reiki, deepen their spiritual connection, and step into the role of a Reiki Master. Here’s what you can expect from our Reiki Level III class:

1. **Master Symbol and Attunement**: Dive into the profound wisdom of the Master symbol, the highest symbol in Reiki, and experience a sacred attunement that deepens your connection to the Reiki energy and amplifies your healing abilities to their fullest potential.

2. **Advanced Energy Work**: Explore advanced energy techniques and practices to refine your ability to channel Reiki energy with precision and intention. Learn how to work with subtle energy bodies, higher consciousness, and multidimensional healing for profound transformation.

3. **Spiritual Development**: Embark on a journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery as you deepen your understanding of universal consciousness, divine alignment, and your role as a steward of healing energy. Explore advanced meditation practices, spiritual principles, and ways to integrate Reiki into your daily life.
4. **Ethics and Leadership**: Deepen your understanding of the ethical responsibilities and leadership qualities inherent in the role of a Reiki Master. Explore principles of integrity, compassion, and service as you step into your role as a leader in the healing community.

5. **Integration and Mastery**: Engage in hands-on practice, group discussions, and experiential exercises to integrate the teachings and embody the qualities of a Reiki Master. Receive personalized guidance and support from experienced Reiki Masters as you navigate your journey of mastery.

By the end of the class, you’ll emerge as a fully empowered Reiki Master, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and spiritual wisdom to facilitate profound healing and transformation for yourself and others. Whether you aspire to teach Reiki, deepen your own healing journey, or expand your spiritual awareness, our Reiki Level III class offers an unparalleled opportunity for growth and evolution. Join us as you embrace your destiny as a beacon of light and healing in the world.

Click HERE to register