Meditation 101 ***Before answering I would like to say that Meditation is a personal practice and as such it can follow some of the same principals that are present in a Yoga practice. Personal practice at all times means that although the instructor/teacher serves as
Read more →“Honor the physical temple that houses you by eating healthfully, exercising, listening to your body’s needs, and treating it with love & dignity.” -Dr. Wayne Dyer It’s cliche to say that your body is a temple..however all cliche’s hold a truth so powerful that it has been
Read more →“The best-kept secret of medicine: the body heals itself if we create the right condition..And stop doing things that caused the sickness in the first place.” Believe it or not, the body is designed to heal itself. If you really think about it, our body is on
Read more →You know you love your flow class, but did you ever think about WHY it feels so good? | (407) 203-6866 1. Vinyasa yoga addresses the stiff culture we live in. The Western world has become a seated society, which is why vinyasa yoga is so
Read more →It’s too bad our problems don’t stay behind with our shoes when we step into the yoga studio. Too often, we get on the mat feeling overwhelmed with worry or conflict or in need of an energy boost. But the right class can leave us feeling clearer,
Read more →Why is everyone doing a different pose? Well, this is how the Mysore Style Ashtanga class works. Students are taught a set sequence of postures one pose at a time in a group setting. Each student is met at their ability. As the student gains flexibility and
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