Nunc scelerisque mauris vitae turpis eleifend, eu dignissim lectus finibus. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus tristique nibh sit amet tempor vehicula. Fusce vitae nulla ac odio rhoncus imperdiet nec eget ante. Nulla mollis blandit elit, ut pretium risus. Nam ultricies rhoncus ligula vel porta. Duis imperdiet dapibus ligula, id
Read more →7 Brain Benefits of Meditation A slew of scientific studies suggest that mindfulness meditation offers some powerful holistic health benefits. And while researchers caution that no one study should be interpreted as a prescription for treatment, mindfulness is increasingly being considered a viable complement to conventional health
Read more →1. Contemplate. Meditation quiets a busy mind and cultivates a witness who can watch what’s happening in your life with a bit of emotional distance. The benefits are enormous—many meditators say they have more clarity, experience less anxiety, and feel better physically. Most of all, the practice
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