Inspirit Yoga has FIVE MORE reasons you need to come join their Stand Up Paddle board classes:
It’s fun.
It’s well-known that novelty is important in exercise regimens in order to stay motivated and happy. According to the National Institute of Health, “Mixing it up also helps to reduce boredom and cut your risk of injury.” There are many different types of yoga, but it’s still easy to fall into a rut. Trying paddleboard yoga will keep you on your toes.
It’s just a touch scary.
The very real possibility of falling into the water provides just enough adrenaline to your workout to keep you focused and motivated. And that could help you fight the ill-effects of stress in your everyday life.
It teaches you to get back up.
If you do fall in, you are forced to overcome the set-back, climb back up on your board, and try again — which is a life lesson in and of itself. Conquering the fear of falling in is essential. The quicker you become okay with falling into the water the better you’ll feel and the easier it will be.
It’s more challenging.
When the board is your mat, there’s less room for error. If you feel like you’ve started to master your normal yoga class, it’s time you tried this.
It’s beautiful.
Between breathing fresh air, soaking up vitamin D and enjoying the natural landscape, it beats just about any gym or studio out there. When it’s practiced outdoors it seems like the union with nature, humanity, and the universe is truly felt.
Come paddle into our studios for Stand Up Paddleboard classes starting in April!
7575 Kingspointe Pkwy Suite 21
Orlando, Florida
(407) 203-6866