I had been practicing yoga for about 2-3 years at this point. I wanted to advance my yoga practice to learn the proper alignment, and MAYBE teach. Turns out, I absolutely love teaching 🙂 I had connected to Inspirit after taking just one class there, and I knew it was the place for me to continue my journey. My favorite part of this experience was connecting with individuals I would have never met otherwise & learning about myself. I have made lifelong friends from this journey, and I will be forever grateful. 3
-My favorite thing also happened to be the most intimidating for me, the Chakras. It is not easy for me to express myself, but these practices helped me more than ever to see that. I am so fascinated with the knowledge we learned with Chakras, and with the little free time I have I try to continue diving deeper. My biggest takeaway was Self awareness and being present. I think that stuck with me the most.
This training has changed my perspective as I have learned how to be more aware of my mind/body and where I’m at in that moment. It’s okay to feel however you’re feeling, but to be self aware of that. Be able to push past instead of getting stuck; that’s important. I intend to continue on to get my 500 hour certification in the future, diving deeper into yoga as a whole.
– I am not a public speaker (at all), but when I’m up there sharing a yoga practice, I am confident in my practice and what I know to help others through their practice. I hope to continue sharing the practice of yoga with others through teaching. Continue locally, and maybe one day travel around.
-My biggest advice for anyone interested in joining this program is to Take it all in! Absorb. Share. Be your truest form of self.
My personal practice has changed a lot since completing this training. I have learned to be more self aware of where I am at that day with my body and mind. I don’t try to push myself past my limits to do the most advanced pose, but instead, take the modification that I need and use blocks ALL the time!