I decided to do the
200 hour teacher training because I wanted to learn how to show others the
peace and healing that yoga offers.
My favorite part of the experience was seeing the transformation not only in my
own life but in the lives of everyone in my class. It was truly rewarding to
My favorite thing that I learned was how to integrate the other seven limbs of
yoga outside of asana into my daily life.
One of my most valued takeaways was that everything I need I can find within
I’m looking forward to learning more about adjustments and modifications in
order to create more accessible classes for those with disabilities.
This training completely changed my perspective on life. I learned to follow my
heart and to always believe in the good things coming.
I’ve discovered my ability to spark interest in those who have previously been
opposed to yoga and spiritual growth. By mildly integrating it into every day
conversations I’ve been overwhelmed in the best way with the amount of
opportunities I’ve had to educate others.
I see myself using my training to help others with chronic illnesses and
disabilities find accessible and appropriate practices for their unique
circumstances as I truly believe in the powerful healing that yoga can provide
for everyone.
My biggest piece of advice for anyone interested in the training program would
be to embrace all of the changes that come along with raising your vibration.
This program changed my practice by allowing me to integrate yoga throughout my
entire day whether it be breath work, mantras, or a few sun salutations in the
morning. It’s become so much more to me than just a physical practice.